Innovative Products That Drive Value
Conventional practices and products result in frequent failures and rework. While these practices may initially cost less, those savings are quickly consumed by lost hours and materials. Silt Saver’s innovative product designs provide for easier installation, reduced maintenance, and consistent performance.
Customer Support With Real World Experience
We work with engineers, contractors and installers to understand the challenges they are facing in the field and apply innovation and experience to develop better solutions. Our ideas and designs for products are practice specific, originating from real problems on site and created to produce reliable results.
Solutions from Silt Saver
Inlet Protection
Inlet protection is designed to prevent sediment and trash from entering stormwater drains and pipes.
Silt Fence & Barrier Fence
Silt fence is a temporary sediment barrier. It is designed to impound stormwater and remove sediment.
Wattles & Check Dams
Wattles are 3 dimensional tubes designed to filter sediment – laden run-off and reduce hydraulic energy.
Replacement Filters
Silt Saver’s replacement filters can be assembled with your existing frames. Re-usability will save you cost.
Additional Innovative Products
We continue to create innovative solutions for your sediment and erosion control issues.
Featured Products
Our Mission:
Silt Saver was created with the idea “There is a better way”. Silt Saver is not just another commodity provider of sediment control products. We create performance based products that consistently offer structural integrity, controlled storm water release, and sediment retention for quality products that you can count on. We exist to provide A Better Way To A Cleaner Environment.
Trusted by Industry Leaders
It was my observation that the WBSF fabric and wood stake system developed by Silt Saver and used on this site was effective or more effective than other approved practices and products nearby that were non-effective and showed the impacts of environmental degradation.
Please accept this letter as my endorsement of Woyen Belted Silt Retention Fence (WBSF-C) and Woven Belted Silt Fence 2 – stage (WBSF)for approval as “Equivalent BMPs” per the requirements as described by the GSWCC; they both are sensitive sediment barriers(SDI-S). Both products are the creation of Silt-Saver, Inc., a company well known for their innovative and effective erosion control products.
We have added both sediment barrier fences to several of our site plans in Rockdale County, along with the required notation. During the course of construction both products provided, in my opinion, superior silt retention to conventional sensitive sediment fence. In addition to my visual observations and opinions, Silt-Saver, Inc. has had both products quantitatively tested by Tri/Environmental, Inc.
This is from a recent inspection site that I am still monitoring. The first General Contractor decided to disregard my SWPPP and installed the FDOT TYPE III which is a non-woven wire backed silt fencing supported with T-post on the initial installation instead of my recommended Silt Saver BSRF Priority 1. Later, after multiple failures of the FDOT TYPE III a new General Contractor was hired, and he installed BSRF Priority 1 as I had first recommended in the SWPPP. Saving a few bucks initially on cheap FDOT TYPE III will cost you starting off with an underperforming BMP that fails to stop sediments and starts a domino effect of failures throughout the job site. Best said by Benjamin Franklin, “A penny poor and a pound foolish!”
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